Systematics & Phylogenetics

Display Name Research Abstract
Quentin Cronk

The study of plant form using the techniques of comparative genomics, molecular developmental biology and evolutionary biology.

Jonathan Davies

Ecology and evolutionary biology; the distribution of biodiversity and the challenges posed to its conservation through recent changes to the environment.

Naomi Fast

Genome evolution, spliceosomal intron evolution, parasitic adaptation - focusing on microsporidia, a highly derived group of parasitic fungi.

Sean Graham

My lab group works on the evolution, phylogenetics and comparative genomics of diverse groups of land plants (embryophytes), with a particular focus on monocots, a flowering-plant clade that includes the major crop plants that sustain human civilization. 

Patrick Keeling

Early eukaryote evolution, molecular phylogeny, protistology.

Brian Leander

Marine invertebrate zoology, protozoology, evolutionary morphology & phylogenetics.

Wayne Maddison

Spider systematics and evolution.

Patrick Martone

Marine phycology; biomechanics of macroalgae.

Laura Wegener Parfrey

Microbiome of coastal marine organisms; eukaryotes in the microbiome

Loren Rieseberg

Adaptation, Domestication, Crop Evolution, Hybridization, Speciation, Weed Evolution

Curtis Suttle

The biology of viruses that infect marine phytoplankton and bacteria, and the role of these viruses in population dynamics and geochemical cycles.

Jeannette Whitton

Plant molecular systematic and evolution; the evolution of asexual polyploid complexes in higher plants.